Monday, December 15, 2008


A couple of years ago I was cutting Kenneth's hair.
I forgot to put the guard back on.
I put the clippers on the back of his neck, And proceeded to take a BIG chunk from the back of his head. I screamed, "OH NO." Hugged him and started to laugh nervously.
When I dared to tell him what I had done, he laughed too. I didn't think it was a laughing matter!
I plead with him to go get the Barber to fix it. "What would he look like with a crew cut?" I thought. I could just see it now.
We had a party that night, I didn't want go. Oh boy, he did.
He showed off his new hairdo, he was so proud.
The next morning was church, I was mortified when he walked right up to the stand and took his seat.
He did go to "Tom's Barber Shop" on Monday night, and he did a terrific job. Needless to say, I do not cut his hair, not even a trim. He got too much delight from it.
So, last week, I went to get my hair cut by a girl who has done it before and did a great job.
I should have gone with my gut feeling and said let's do it later. All though the cut she was talking to her husband on the cell phone. They were discussing
"The EX WIFE" and trying to fix a custody battle.
I have a very "Different" haircut, but I am trying to laugh about it.


Shella said...

I am excited to see it! Of course, if it's that bad, you could just pull out the old hairdos. ;)

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

Oh, my goodness, I forgot.
Yes, I do, long ones, red ones and even blond.

Angie said...

I am sure that it looks great, you always fix it so that it does.

Larsen's in Wyoming said...

I want to see a picture. I've done some botch jobs too on Nick's hair. It's a good thing hair grows fast.

Cheryl said...

I keep going to your blog to see the Robert's coupon.
Love my new hat and scarf!